Posts Tagged ‘Henry Ossawa Tanner


A New Study Series: The Book of Daniel

Daniel in the Lions' Den //

Henry Ossawa Tanner (United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, 1859-1937)

My next series of notes will cover the book of Daniel.

I believe that Daniel is my favorite prophet.  The story of his life is fascinating, and his prophecies, even by the most skeptical standards of dating, are the clearest predictors of Christ’s life that appear in the Bible.  The introductory notes will be appearing soon!


THE GLORY OF KINGS - A proposal for why God will always be the best explanation for the existence of the universe.

SWEET RIVER FOOL - Alcoholic, homeless, and alone, Snody despaired of life until a seemingly chance encounter with Saint Francis of Assisi led him to the joys of Christ and the redemption of his soul…

ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD - Enoch had a beautiful soul and walked with God in many ways. This book invites children to imagine what some of those ways might have been while presenting them with a wonderful model for their own lives.